YFC also acknowledges the fact that its members need to grow not only in his/her personal relationship with God but also grow in his/her relationship with the family, friends, the community and the society where he/she belongs in. Youth for Christ (YFC) is moving to empower more the YFC members and give them pastoral formation that will help them in their spiritual growth and nourishment. Workshop ProperĪNNEX A: Pastoral Planning Worksheet for Commbased ANNEX B: Pastoral Planning Worksheet for Campus ANNEX C: Pastoral Planning Worksheet for HighschoolĢ CFC Youth for Christ 3 YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK OVERVIEW (2010 Edition)ģ CFC Youth for Christ 3 YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK OVERVIEW (2010 Edition)Ĭommitted to the direction of Greater Sustainability in the Grassroots Level, CFC Youth AdvocateĬHAPTER 3: Manual Implementation GuidelinesĬHAPTER 4: Pastoral Planning and PlottingĪ. 3 Year Pastoral Formation Track At A Glance B.
3 YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK An Overview of all the basic formation tracks for YFC Membersġ CFC Youth for Christ 3 YEAR PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK OVERVIEW (2010 Edition)ĬHAPTER 2: 3 Year Pastoral Formation OverviewĪ.